

“The course of waters has not changed so much since the great river channellings, so one would be inclined to think that the related water engineering and port construction works are characterized by a steady continuity. However, that is not the case. The quantity of commissions has known more ups and downs than the flood levels in recent years. It is hard for businesses to achieve success and guarantee the living of employees in such unpredictable circumstances. Nevertheless, Csaba Molnos, the owner of VIKIV Vízügyi Kivitelező Kft. has tried to stay on his feet, and he has made it.”

„Csúszáshatáron belül”: Axiál, Építőipar és Anyagmozgatás, 2016/1. szám

Építőipar és anyagmozgatás pdf.

“VIKIV Kft. is a partner of ours where professional expertise and commitment as well as honesty in both business and personal matters are present simultaneously.”

Békés Drén Környezetvédelmi, Víz- és Mélyépítési Kft.